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If you think your leg day was brutal, try doing what “Mad Scientist” Chris Duffin accomplished over the weekend.
The online strength coach and powerlifter managed to squat 1,000 pounds—i.e. the weight of some adult horses—not once, but twice. As of about two weeks ago, according to his Instagram, he weighed around 280 pounds, meaning he squatted 3.5-times his bodyweight.
Duffin, co-owner and head coach of Elite Performance Center in Portland, is no stranger to monster lifts—he holds the world record for most weight lifted in one minute at 17,010 pounds (42 reps of 405 pounds). And in 2018, he squatted 800 solid-ass pounds every day for a month to raise money for the Special Olympics. Our legs are hurting just thinking about that.
He’s previously accomplished a 1,000-pound deadlift for three reps, which is insane considering he weighs less than 300 pounds. Those lifts are usually reserved for strongmen weighing well over 400.
Duffin’s not done yet. He plans to squat 1,000 pounds again, this time for three reps, at The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association’s annual convention in March. This, he says, will be his last “feat of strength,” but we don’t think anyone will blame him for hanging up the weightlifting belt after that considering he’s turning 43 shortly after.
The planned lift will not only drop jaws, but raise money for a good cause. Duffin’s been using his online presence to raise money for the Homebuilders Foundation of Metro PD, which seeks to build homes for the homeless of Portland.
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The online strength coach and powerlifter managed to squat 1,000 pounds—i.e. the weight of some adult horses—not once, but twice. As of about two weeks ago, according to his Instagram, he weighed around 280 pounds, meaning he squatted 3.5-times his bodyweight.
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So... my fist time squatting 1000lbs and I hit it for a double... that’s gotta be a first. In the next 8 weeks I need to get my depth deeper than shown here, and get the reps higher. Definitely have my work cut out for me. This was after 971x2, 928x2 and drop set at 948lbs. - I plan to squat 1000x3 this coming March at the IHRSA show in San Diego. This will be the conclusion of my Grand Goals campaign when combined with my nearly 3 reps at a 1000lbs deadlift a few years ago. It will be done just a few weeks shy of my 43rd birthday and also be my final “feat of strength”. This is a culmination of over 30 years of training and working with some of the best minds in the world on rehab/prehab, recovery and training modalities. I couldn’t even attempt this without the knowledge and support of the Kabuki Strength Team who are directly responsible for managing my training, recovery, and much more. Wish me luck and I hope you’ll follow along as I train to squat 1000lbs for a triple.FREE AUDIO Download of my life changing book below! www.chrisduff.in
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A post shared by Chris Duffin (@mad_scientist_duffin) on Jan 24, 2020 at 11:16am PST
Duffin, co-owner and head coach of Elite Performance Center in Portland, is no stranger to monster lifts—he holds the world record for most weight lifted in one minute at 17,010 pounds (42 reps of 405 pounds). And in 2018, he squatted 800 solid-ass pounds every day for a month to raise money for the Special Olympics. Our legs are hurting just thinking about that.
He’s previously accomplished a 1,000-pound deadlift for three reps, which is insane considering he weighs less than 300 pounds. Those lifts are usually reserved for strongmen weighing well over 400.
Duffin’s not done yet. He plans to squat 1,000 pounds again, this time for three reps, at The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association’s annual convention in March. This, he says, will be his last “feat of strength,” but we don’t think anyone will blame him for hanging up the weightlifting belt after that considering he’s turning 43 shortly after.
The planned lift will not only drop jaws, but raise money for a good cause. Duffin’s been using his online presence to raise money for the Homebuilders Foundation of Metro PD, which seeks to build homes for the homeless of Portland.
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