Let’s be honest, for most guys, one of the main reasons to get a pump going at the gym is to build sleeve busting biceps that Olympia champions like Jay Cutler have amassed. Fortunately, the man himself is always giving when it comes to passing down the moves that work best for him, and in this...
If your biceps routine consists solely of mindlessly curling dumbbells like you’re lifting your morning coffee mug, it’s time for an upgrade. Sure, curls are great, but if you really want arms that stretch your sleeves and turn heads, you need a focused approach. Targeted, strategic training...
It doesn’t matter what time of year it is for the seven-time Mr Olympia winner because even in retirement, every day is a chance to become huge. Try ‘The Gift’s’ Phil Health Back and Biceps Blast Workout for yourself, and you’ll be sure to find your pump.
“This is one of my favorite workouts,”...
The dumbbell bicep curl and loaded preacher curl are great moves for arm day, but classic physique competitor,Wesley Vissers, also likes to take to the cables to crush those biceps, as the defined Dutchman recently explained.
“A lot of people ask me, why do you train the biceps this way?”...
If you are looking to blast your biceps, you could do a lot worse than follow the advice of Dr Mike Israetel, a competitive bodybuilder and sports science PhD. In a recent interview with coach Mike Thurston, the big man revealed what was behind his exceptional arm growth, labelling the lying...
We’re only as strong as our weakest links, really – so it’s in order for us to give ourselves a once-over to see what needs to be done to get the most out of our workouts and hit the muscles we’re trying to stimulate into solid growth and development.
With that said, you could be a straight...
Let’s say 99% of people who lift want bigger arms, and the other 1% are just lying to themselves, can making gains to your guns be achieved without bogarting the squat rack with curls?
Maybe! If you’re looking for a way to build size in your biceps and triceps without adding unnecessary stress...
As we count down the days to the 2024 Olympia competition, many of the combatants are taking to social media to show how they are preparing for the most important date on the bodybuilding calendar. With $400,000 in prize money at stake in the Open Division, every training decision is serious...
Dorian Yates is a six-time Mr. Olympia, so when he speaks, the bodybuilding community listens and in a recent Instagram post, ‘The Shadow’ brought us some of his trademark no nonsense advice, sharing his preferred pulldown variation.
“So, yeah, why am I doing this, and I’m not doing this,”...
Let’s be honest: When it comes to nice, juicy arms, some of this is going to come down to luck of the draw and having the right parents. We’ve all met people in the gym who are printing off tickets to the gun show like they’re going out of style, but have never touched an arm day once in their...
You are probably not learning or progressing if you’re not making mistakes. When you make mistakes, then you know better and then do better. If you make the same mistake twice, you will learn better the third time.
In the weight room, when striving for progress, mistakes are going to be made...
Ahh, the biceps. Have there been a more written, spoken, and trained muscle group than the biceps? The biceps curl is a right-of-passage exercise for all gym rookies. You wander over to the dumbbell rack, grab a pair, and bust out rep after rep till your biceps bust apart you shirt sleeves...
Google the term “biceps curl,” and you’ll get over 20 million hits. There is no shortage of information about this beloved muscle group and its most popular exercise. Think back to your first time in a gym when you didn’t know much about lifting. Was one of the first exercises you performed a...
While the front double is indeed the mark of a bodybuilder, it’s still pretty much an arm pose. The rear double is much more than merely the front double from the back. The back double biceps shot is actually a back shot. Coupled with the rear lat spread, these two poses essentially highlight...
Whether you’re a fitness rookie or a seasoned gym veteran, building big biceps are a priority. That’s why if you need advice on how to build them, you should go to someone that knows and shows. There is no one better to ask then Sleeveless co-host and M&F cover model Frank Sepe.
Basic Tips For...
Have you hit a plateau in your bicep muscle growth? It might be time to implement some new training hacks - check out these 7 advanced strategies.
Didn’t you love when you first started training how everything seemed to change within a matter of weeks?
The muscle gains you saw were obvious and...
Arm Anatomy 101
Your arms are the first part of your body that people notice. Ripped arms demand respect and prove your training and dedication to passers-by. That said, most are content with swinging barbell curls and half-ass tricep extensions - moves that are more about ego and less about...
Arm day way of life for most of us. Most new lifters only know a few exercises — and the barbell and the most popular one is this staple and its multitude of variations. One variation that is often left out cold is the drag curl. Why? Because it’s hard.
The drag curl unlike a lot of other...
In the long history of bodybuilding tradition bodybuilders trained like weightlifters. They were weightlifters or strongmen who lifted weights and who began over time to be as concerned about what they looked like instead of or in addition to how much they could lift.
This trend accelerated in...
I think it’s safe to say that for those of us who are working to build better bodies through bodybuilding and or fitness, out of all the muscle groups we work so hard to develop, the muscles of the arms seem to be the most universally admired. Whenever a bodybuilder is asked in public to make a...