I think it’s safe to say that for those of us who are working to build better bodies through bodybuilding and or fitness, out of all the muscle groups we work so hard to develop, the muscles of the arms seem to be the most universally admired. Whenever a bodybuilder is asked in public to make a...
EZ Bar vs Straight Bar Curl
Before determining which exercise is better, we have to understand what the biceps do. The biceps have 2 main functions. The one most people remember and acknowledge is the flexing/pulling of the forearm.
But the other function of the biceps is to help supinate the...
48 Bicep Curl Variations
Below are some of the traditional bicep exercises, as well as many of my favorites, and some great methods for muscle development. Pick a couple of them and add them to your training. Your training sessions will be more entertaining (and your biceps more developed)...
Here’s the thing: When it comes to biceps training, you can pretty much only do one thing – curl. Boring, yes, but you still desire a nice set of guns.
Maybe you need to get more out of your biceps training. Maybe you need a few more tricks and techniques to get arm growth going again.
The 5...
As the ultimate “show-me” muscle, the biceps has taken on numerous names such as guns and pythons among many others. Nicely, well developed biceps make any physique look instantly bigger no matter how in or out of shape someone is. Of course, big guns are forged through many hours toiling away...
Creating softball-sized biceps is part science and part art. The science factors in when considering the best exercises, their order, the number of sets, how much weight you should use, optimal rest periods, and even frequency. Fortunately, there's enough research to create some general...
One thing I've discovered is that if you want bigger biceps, doing spider curls a different way can get you to those big peaks faster.
Spider curls are usually done off the steep side of a preacher bench, but something told me that the biceps might get more stimulation if the curls were done...
There are two schools of thought when it comes to taking training advice from the pros. Some insist that these men are, essentially, genetic mutants who respond so spectacularly to weight training that they have nothing of value to offer the rest of us mere mortals.
Others agree that these men...
Legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden once remarked, "If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything." He was talking hoops, but it also describes the way many lifters approach the challenge of building bigger arms: try everything, try doing more of everything, and then see...
Growing your arms is actually pretty simple: Isolate your biceps and triceps with curls and extensions (respectively), hammer these moves from Logan Carpenter with volume and intensity, and make sure you’re pounding protein the rest of the day. Repeat weekly. (And don’t forget to train all your...
Very few people will dispute that the most popular muscle group for many gym rats is the biceps. It has its own emoji, for goodness sakes (you’ve used it and you know it). For anyone who ever flexed his or her arm when asked to “make a muscle,” training the biceps is a must. Some people may...
Femme Flex Friday host Alina Popa decided that this week’s episode should hit the road. Well, the 2018 Rising Phoenix World Champion opted to hit the gym instead. She was joined by another champion bodybuilder, 2020 Ms. Olympia winner Andrea Shaw. Shaw was kind enough to share a few training...
If you’re planning on selling tickets to your own personal “gun-show” you better make sure the crowd will be impressed. The last thing you want is to throw up a biceps pose (with a big grin) and get booed off the stage. Unfortunately, while almost everyone in the gym tossing around the iron is...
Over the past five decades, the question has been asked: “How can I get my arms to look like Arnold’s?” In short, you can’t. Just as you were born with your own unique set of genetic attributes, so was Arnold, and among his was the DNA for a stunning set of pipes.
That said, all hope isn’t...
Of all the adjectives that describe your biceps, neglected probably isn’t one of them. Seriously, asking you to avoid training arms this week would be like asking the planet to stop spinning. As a group, bodybuilders typically give more attention to arms than any other body part, save for chest...
The strict curl has been a go-to move for growing biceps for decades. You’ve no doubt seen photos and videos of legends like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno hitting them to grow their peaks.
But in the social media era, it hasn’t necessarily been the sexiest lift. You’re more likely to...
Building bulging biceps without dumbbells or barbells seems like a lot of work unless you’re willing to do pullups, pullups, and more pullups.
It’s true that when it comes to biceps the path of least resistance comes from using, well, more resistance. But for those times when you’re without...
Ronnie Coleman is on a mission to hulk up his already huge biceps, declaring on Instagram that his guns seem to be shrinking. The eight-time Mr. Olympia’s arms are widely considered some of the best, if not the best, ever to appear on a bodybuilding stage, but he says they're not what they used...
Improvisor / Shutterstock
Seems like everyone's out to find a newer, better way to train their biceps. Drop sets, weird splits and awkward exercises are all part of the trial and error guessing game. But novel training methods don’t necessarily equate to shirt-busting results.
If you want big...