body building forum

  1. Judgeno1

    I'll be your huckleberry:)

    Been on EG for a bit. Always looking for more info. 41 5' 9" 195 @ 9% tubby biznitch Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  2. Thor

    Another Awesome Board

    5'5 230 lbs and enjoying every meal lol :). Good to be hear with everyone, looking forward to watching this board take off and grow like EG!!!
  3. M

    Hello guys!

    Thanks for having me, jolter604 told me to come over. Am 42, 5'8" 205 bf 7-12% average. Love what we do. Grateful to be here!! On many boards frequent only a few for most part!!
  4. FREAK

    Finished the main

    Basic forum structure, will evolve over time as we do ;)
  5. FREAK

    In the middle

    of building this body building forum slow and steady. Feel free to sign up and check back often as the site is complete