
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Essential Guide to Metabolism

    Contrary to popular belief, the majority of your daily calorie burn doesn’t come from puddles of sweat after a tough workout. Calorie burn is driven by your metabolism. Metabolism is the entire process of converting calories into energy to power your bodily processes. It isn’t just about...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Essential Guide to Fat

    Are you afraid of fat? Don’t be. In addition to making food taste good, fat plays an important role in a healthy, balanced diet. Here we cover the basics about fat and how it affects health goals. FAT BASICS At 9 calories per gram, fat is the most calorie-dense of the macronutrients (carbs and...
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    Diet Dilemma: Should I Try Keto To Drop Body Fat?

    Many people have a hard time wrapping their heads around ketogenic diets or simply known as keto diets. We get it, it seems contradictory on the surface … I can eat all the fatty foods I want — even bacon — and drop tons of body fat? That makes no sense! Yet for many people, “going keto” has...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    12 Bad Habits That Kill Your Metabolism

    You may already suspect your metabolism slows as you age. According to research in the Public Health Nutrition journal, you’re right. In a review of data on energy expenditure, researchers found getting older is associated with progressive declines in basal metabolic rate. On top of that, many...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    6 Ideal Recovery Meals For Different Workouts

    Recovery nutrition is a vital but often overlooked mechanism for athletes looking to get results. Any physical exercise uses energy stores in the form of glycogen and causes damage to proteins in muscle cells. Ingesting calories in the form of protein and carbohydrates along with phytonutrients...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    10 Summer Foods to Boost Weight Loss

    Whether you’re hitting the beach, tanning by the pool or just trying to look and feel your best this summer, it’s important to incorporate fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables into your diet. With all that sunshine comes foods that are packed with antioxidants, nutrients and water to rehydrate...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    5 Step Guide to Lean Gains

    Looking for the most comprehensive muscle building guide on the internet? Well, good thing you stopped by, I’ve got you covered. This guide will take you through everything from nutrition to training and even supplementation, which will get you on the right path to add quality slabs of muscle...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Is the Quality of Calories More Important Than Quantity?

    When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s almost impossible to bite into a rice cake without being offered diet advice: Cut carbs, limit fat, drink shakes, you name it. Is one approach better than another? Christopher Gardner, PhD, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, wanted to find...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    3 Keys for Weight Loss You Need to Know Now

    Cardio work, strength training and counting calories and macronutrients (protein, carbs and fat) are the three big components of weight loss. You should be doing all three, but each of these is not created equally when you’re trying to lose weight. Here’s how you should rank these three...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Is Fast Weight Loss or Slow Weight Loss Better for Long-Term Success?

    To some extent, everyone wants immediate results — especially when it comes to weight loss (cue fad diets and “miracle” diet pills). Eating healthy, staying active and cutting calories are proven ways to lose weight, but they are part of a gradual process that’s not always easy. So, which path...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    2 Major Myths About Calories to Reconsider

    One of the most common sayings in nutrition and fitness is: “calories in, calories out.” That means if you want to lose or maintain weight, you need to take in fewer calories than you expend. That simple strategy tends to result in weight loss for many people, especially if there’s a large cut...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Lift Weights to Burn Fat

    It is simple. Muscle will burn fat all day and all night! Even when you are sitting down so the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn! Why You Need Weight Training To Lose Fat By Conray Knox There've so many misunderstanding in weight training. People often think that weight training...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Is Fast Weight Loss or Slow Weight Loss Better for Long-Term Success?

    To some extent, everyone wants immediate results — especially when it comes to weight loss (cue fad diets and “miracle” diet pills). Eating healthy, staying active and cutting calories are proven ways to lose weight, but they are part of a gradual process that’s not always easy. So, which path...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    2 Major Myths About Calories to Reconsider

    One of the most common sayings in nutrition and fitness is: “calories in, calories out.” That means if you want to lose or maintain weight, you need to take in fewer calories than you expend. That simple strategy tends to result in weight loss for many people, especially if there’s a large cut...
  15. V

    Braun Strowman Talks About the Methods Behind His Monster Transformation

    In a true test to find out who the real alpha of the mat really is, a triple threat match has been set for WWE WrestleMania BackLash that will see Braun Strowman vs. Drew McIntyre vs. reigning WWE Champion Bobby Lashley. It promises to be an epic battle of the big men, and they don’t come any...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Eating for muscle mass

    Eating to Gain Mass By Anthony Ellis This is usually the forgotten element of most mass programs. Food. The truth is, no one will gain muscle without food. It seems so simple and basic, yet most don't get enough of it to build muscle. Dieting for muscle gain is simply a matter of eating. You...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    All about bulking

    As a bodybuilder you must know about bulking. It is a key aspect of being a good bodybuilder. What Is Bulking? Steps, Diet, and More Bulking is a term commonly thrown around by bodybuilders. It generally refers to a progressive increase in the number of calories consumed beyond your body’s...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    7 Tiny Tweaks to Cut Calories All Year Long

    “Cutting calories” is one of the more nefarious-sounding phrases in the English language, one that might conjure images of boring salads and induce hunger pangs. But the truth is, there are plenty of easy ways to reduce your calories without making grueling sacrifices — and the efforts can...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Your 10-Point Summer Countdown to a Healthier You

    The official start to summer is June 21. But in practical terms, it’s whenever you find yourself outdoors, poolside or otherwise enjoying the longer days and warmer nights. Whether you circle the summer solstice on your calendar or not, you’ve got 31 days to prepare. First up, undoing some of...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    10 of the Healthiest Fast-Food Dishes You Can Order

    Here’s a simple rule: If you’re trying to eat healthy, don’t eat fast food. That’s a solid way to keep your meals wholesome and your calories in check. But that is often easier said than done. Because whether you’re overwhelmed with work and family obligations or just driving down a long stretch...