Our bodies are three-dimensional (3-D) movement machines, yet some gymgoers don’t tap into the potential of our 3-D movement. But what is 3-D movement and what does this have to do with lateral exercises? Let gets nerdy for a hot minute.
The human body has three planes of motion: the sagittal...
The stability ball exercises gets a bad rap. Gym bros look at it and ponder how many gains can be had with what looks like a beach ball. Some women look at it and think, “I can do abs on that.” Many fitness professionals don’t like it, and some have even attacked it with a screwdriver (true...
Have you ever walked into a gym and seen a battle rope curled up in the corner and wonder why it is and what are some battle rope exercises you can do? First, it’s another tool in the toolbox when it comes to your conditioning. Second, it is not there to tie you in knots. Ropes were used way...
The most popular movements to build absolute strength are the barbell squat, deadlift, bench, and overhead press. With these exercises, the barbell moves in a relatively straight line for you to build more size and strength. But these are not the only exercises you should be doing in fact there...
You never really understand how important incorporating grip strength exercises into your routine are until it gives out just as you’re trying to lock out a heavy rep.
Grip strength is something you are born with and is part of your DNA. Way back in the 19th century, Louis Robinson, an English...
It’s tempting to hit the gym running when getting the “all-clear” from your doctor to start performing postpartum exercises. And if only it was that easy. During pregnancy, the body undergoes massive changes as it makes room for carrying a baby, causing muscles, ligaments, and tendons to stretch...
A mini band is a 9-inch flat looped band that’s great for targeting the smaller muscles of your hips, glutes, thighs, and shoulders. These bands are versatile, portable and can be added to both bodyweight or weighted exercises to add strength to smaller muscles that may be preventing your larger...
Back squats may the king of all leg exercises, but front squats and deadlifts are certainly legday royalty as well. To improve your front and back squat you need to do it more and intelligently program squat accessory exercises to strengthen all parts of the movement and improve technique...
The quads, hamstrings, and glute muscles should be the focus of your leg training because training them will give you the most bang for your exercise buck. But there is one muscle group that is neglected from the usual leg day workout; the adductor muscles. Adductor exercises are often...
The biggest disadvantage with banded exercises is after a certain point, they stop getting you stronger. They only come so thick and stretch so far before the possibility of breaking. A breaking band might seem funny in a workout fail video, but when it’s coming at you — not so much.
But when...
Let’s face it, your quads and glutes get a lot of love in the gym, but your hamstrings? Sadly, probably not so much. When you’re flexing in the mirror (and you know you are), how often do you admire your hamstrings? If you don’t notice then visually, there’s a good chance as well you don’t...
Walk into any commercial gym, you’re bound to see someone doing endless crunches or situps in the pursuit of a six-pack or skinnier waist. There’s nothing wrong or bad about these types of exercises because there is no bad or good, just the right fit for you. But there are more effective ways to...
Set aside the notion that you have "bad calf genetics" and get proactive. These eight muscle building tips are designed to help bring up your weak and lagging calves.
People say it all the time, “If you aren’t born with great calves, you’ll never have them.” That’s simply not true. There are...
This article takes a close look at the reasons why you're not building muscle and gaining weight. Read this is you're having trouble getting big!
Here’s a question I see time and time again in online bodybuilding & fitness forums:
This is an all too common story for people with no experience or...
Bodybuilder Alex Stewart details the anatomy of the abdominals and core and presents you with five effective workouts that can help you build a thick six pack.
Six pack, 8 pack (genetic freaks), washboard, whatever you want to call it: your core is the center piece for any muscular physique. It...
The majority of strength exercises are done either standing, seated, or lying face up and face down. But when was the last time you included kneeling exercises into your workout routine?
Two neglected kneeling exercises positions are the tall kneeling(both knees on the ground) and the...
Learn which 3 exercises are the best for building a massive back. Each exercise includes the proper performance technique and rookie mistakes to avoid.
If you’re really after size and a whole lot more strength, the truth is, you’ve got to take your focus off the "mirror muscles".
Having well...
Build strong and broad shoulders with: hang clean and press, military press, dumbbell shoulder press, upright barbell rows and overhead squat.
The shoulders have a dramatic impact on the silhouette of the body. Strong, broad shoulders are universally respected as a symbol of power and authority...
John Matulevich helps you to improve your results by incorporating non-competing supersets, standing exercise variations, HIIT cardio and (more) potent compound movements.
From using more productive workouts to getting into and out of the gym faster, there are always ‘tweaks’ you can make to...
Here is a ranking of the best exercises for building a thicker and wider back based on personal experience and the training articles of top IFBB pro bodybuilders. This is not necessarily a determination of exercise order, but the exercises that are most effective for muscle fiber recruitment and...