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    James Hall Record-Breaking Tips For Smashing the SkiErg

    James Hall is a former professional rugby player, brother to strongman Eddie Hall, and a strength coach who is smashing it on the Concept2 SkiErg. Having broken the record for the fastest SkiErg times to reach both 1,000 and 2,000 meters, this Brit knows how to get the most bang for his buck...
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    Here’s a 10-Minute Mother’s Day Workout Routine for Busy Moms

    Super-fit mom, Sanna-Maria Seilamo may be a popular Instagrammer with more than 750,000 followers, but she also understands that life can sometimes get in the way of a great gym session. No matter though, because with her simple 10-minute mother’s day workout routine, you can still torch the...
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    This 15-Minute Cardio Workout will Help You Shred When Time is Short

    Have you ever felt there aren’t enough hours to juggle work, life, and an effective cardio workout? If you’re nodding while sipping your fourth coffee to wake up, this one’s for you. Enter the ultimate 15-minute cardio workout for those who dislike wasting time on a cardio machine. It’s perfect...
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    Here’s How Your Nervous System Plays a Major Role In Sports Performance

    Imagine your body as a Ferrari, with your nervous system as the intricate electrical system controlling every move, every breath, and every heartbeat. Just like the Ferrari depends on the efficiency of its wiring, your physical potential is directly linked to how well your nervous system...
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    3 No-Time Workouts To Keep You Fit at Any Time

    There is a misconception that you need a lot of time to exercise to be effective, and a common excuse for not exercising is having no time. With the holiday season is in full swing and the New Year is just around the corner, thoughts drift to parties, food, and family on top of a packed...
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    3 EMOM Workouts To Keep You Summer Ready

    A common myth surrounding fitness is that you need a long time to work out, which often leads to the ultimate excuse that I don’t have the time. If you believe in that myth, be prepared to get it busted because you don’t need much time, but you do need to bring the heat. When you haven’t the...
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    Here’s How You Can Squeeze In a Great Workout In the Middle of Your Workday

    At this stage, there really are no more excuses for not working out, yet many people still struggle to squeeze in a workout, but have you thought about a lunch break workout? Some reasons for not working out are valid: Successfully juggling a demanding career and taking care of family...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    How To Maximize Muscle Growth By Tracking Your Rest Periods

    Are you paying attention to every minor detail of your training routine except rest between sets? Find out about the six benefits of tracking time between each set. “Time is the most precious commodity out there. It’s the one thing you can’t buy or ever buy back. Give it your absolute all to...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Weekly Split for Maximum Muscle Gains

    Maximize your muscular gains by utilizing this workout split! This split incorporates a breakdown of workout days, HIIT cardio days, and rest days! WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Split Training Level Intermediate Program Duration12 weeks Days Per Week 6 Time Per...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Your Complete Blue Print For A Leaner, More Muscular Body

    Life getting in the way of consistent training? Brad Borland presents a flexible system that allows you to workout, 2-4 times per week depending on your schedule. WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Split Training Level Beginner Program Duration8 weeks Days Per Week 3 Time Per...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    5 Day Superset & Timed Set Muscle Building Workout

    A quality change of pace, this routine sets aside squats, deadlifts and flat bench press and hammers your muscles into new growth using timed sets and supersets. WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Split Training Level Intermediate Program Duration10 weeks Days Per Week 5 Time...
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    For National Sleep Day, Hit the Hay Better with These ‘Sleep Doctor’ Tips

    We’ve all read that getting adequate amounts of shut eye is essential to our wellbeing, and yet hitting the sack at a reasonable time can be one of the hardest habits for most of us to maintain. Of course, long working hours, stressful times, and busy family lives all contribute to late nights...
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    Fitness FYI: Check Out 3 Things You May Have Missed

    It was another eventful week in the world of fitness so here, Muscle & Fitness shares what can be considered some of the hottest and most impactful stories in the world of strength, health, and sports over the past few days. Bill Gillespie lifts his way to a new world record bench press On...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Improve Your Athleticism with These 5 HIIT Workouts

    There are benefits to doing cardio on a treadmill, exercise bike, or elliptical, but let’s face facts - these workouts can be mundane and don’t do much else that can help you. If you’re going to commit time to training, then you should be able to see improvements that can translate into other...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    The Best HIIT Routines for Cardio Equipment

    Well my friends, summer is right around the corner. If you are like most people, this is the time of year you want to start leaning out for the beach or shedding extra weight you accumulated during the winter. Are you someone who dreads the word “cardio”, as it conjures up images of monotonous...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    7 Muscle Building Bedtime Meals & Snacks

    There are two things that bodybuilders and fitness people like – training and eating. You need the food to recover from the gym so you can grow. That means that you shouldn’t be going to bed hungry. You might wake up the next day hangry (hungry and angry). No one wants that. But you shouldn’t...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Mind Gains: Tips To Jack Up Your Mental Game

    After being bombarded by an endless stream of articles on the latest and greatest training and nutrition approaches, I felt compelled to discuss an often overlooked aspect of lifting; the psychological approach. This article aims to provide tips, mantras, and pre/intra/post-workout methods for...
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    These 3 Sprint Workouts Will Help Blast Fat and Build Athletic Power

    Sprinting isn’t just for Usain Bolt-type Olympic athletes, the same way jumping rope isn’t solely for Floyd Mayweather’s pre-fight warmup; Running all-out is for anyone looking to build overall conditioning. Sprinting can help boost lung power, increase speed, accelerate fat loss, and increasing...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    10 Real Deal Cardio Tips for Bodybuilders

    I see a lot of lazy fucks doing cardio the wrong way. I see them just strolling along while playing with their phones. I see girls wearing makeup that isn't even running down their face because they aren't sweating. When it comes to doing cardio, people just don't want to put in the work...
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    ASK ANDY: ‘What kind of workout should I do if I only have 30 minutes a day?’

    So what’s the most effective workout if you only have 30 minutes to train? I love this question for several reasons: One, because it implies that the person is ready to commit to exercising every day — and consistency is the most important factor in creating change in how we look, feel, and...