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    How Physical Therapy Contributes to Pain Management

    Sometimes, pain can be your friend. Pain can be a helpful reminder when you are moving, letting you know when you are overexerting a muscle, putting too much stress on a joint, or placing too much load on a tendon or ligament. Other times, pain can be more than just a warning to back off on a...
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    Here’s Why Foot Strength Shouldn’t Be Neglected from Your Training

    In the midst of America’s wellness revolution, with boutique gyms popping up on every corner and smart wearables tracking our every move, there’s a fitness foundation being neglected: foot health. As we lift more weight and clock more miles onto our bodies, it’s time to zoom in on the underrated...
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    Women Who Lift, Live Longer Says New Study

    The phrase “workout like your life depends on it” has never been more apt if the results of a new study are anything to go by. Science suggests that women who regularly participate in resistance training such as lifting weights, or even aerobic activity such as brisk walking are adding years to...
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    2 Physical Therapists Share Their Tips for Taking Care of Your Hamstrings

    The dreaded hamstring strain usually strikes at the worst time. Personally, I’ve lost count of the number of times my hamstrings have told me, “Not today.” It wasn’t too long ago when I strained my hamstring jumping into a pool with my sons. It can happen at any time, and for me, embarrassingly...
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    Understanding the Link Between Physical Exercise and Improved Mental Health

    The past few years have taken a toll on the mental health of millions around the world. Whether it’s dealing with pandemic fallout or fears of a recession, stress and anxiety seem especially high these days. With that increase in worry, individuals are searching for help. People spend millions...
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    How to Improve Flexibility and Mobility Without Stretching

    Some people are born with flexibility while others have to work for it. And no matter what category you fall under, gaining a greater range of motion, both in muscles and joints, takes persistence and time. Stretching plays an important role in keeping the body flexible and has even been known...
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    Beyond the Finish Line: Jordan Wiseley’s Pursuit of Fitness and Athletic Excellence

    In a world where screens dominate and audiences continually crave fresh and stimulating content, a unique breed of celebrities has emerged. The realms of television stardom and athleticism, once considered distinct, now beautifully intertwine as the trendsetters of the entertainment industry...
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    American Couch Potato Syndrome?

    A recent study has found that nearly half of Americans sit for too many hours a day and don’t get any exercise at all, as it appears the USA is turning into a sedentary couch potato nation. Over 5,900 American adults were surveyed, and the findings showed that nearly 26% sat for more than 8...
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    Weight-loss Specialist Angela Fitch Shares Her Best Tips To Lose Weight

    Summer is officially upon us and thoughts are quickly turning to ‘out of office’ replies and lazy days in the sun, but if you’ve failed to get that summer-ready body that you’d hoped to achieve this year, just like in previous years, then you are certainly not alone. Losing weight is one of the...
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    Trina Clayeux Explains the Connection Between Physical and Mental Health

    One of the many reasons that people get into fitness and training is because they’re trying to work through something. Whether it’s something from the past that is haunting them, overcoming self-esteem issues, or using the weights as therapy, physical health has been an outlet to help people...
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    When it comes to Your Health, It’s OK (and Necessary) to Prioritize You

    With an already jam-packed schedule, setting aside an extra 20 minutes to work out can seem impossible. After all, most of your day is spent focusing on time-sensitive things like work, kids’ schedules, house chores, prepping meals for your family, and so on. However, when placing everyone’s...
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    Physical activity as a longevity drug | More is better

    Physical activity as a longevity drug | More is better The best longevity drug we know is exercise, websites like ours have been telling you for years. This comparison is not entirely correct. After all, a drug has an optimal dosage. If you take more than this optimal amount, the positive...
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    Keep Moving to the Beat, It’s Good for Your Heart Way Past Your 40s

    As we move past age 40, we often reflect on the physical activity we undertook in our younger days and start to look ahead, wondering if there will be a point at which we should hang up the gym bag, or the running shoes, as we head into our half-century and beyond. In order to protect our hearts...
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    Research Says Playing Hard, Rather Than Working Hard Leads to Better Health

    People with office based, sedentary lifestyles will likely be aware that being active in our leisure time is essential for maintaining good health, but those with more physical occupations may feel that a hard day of manual labor is all the exercise they need. Not so, according to a new study...
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    The More Fit You Become, The More Fat You Can Burn, New Research Says

    Losing unwanted body fat can be a challenging process, but recent studies led by the Centre for Nutrition, Exercise & Metabolism (CNEM), at the University of Bath in the UK, have some encouraging news. In a recently published report, findings suggest that as you get fitter, your body burns more...
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    Avoid a Sedentary Lifestyle to Improve Brain Function

    We already know that a sedentary lifestyle, often brought about by long hours sitting at a desk at work or spending too much time on the couch after we’ve clocked off, presents a number of unwanted challenges to our physical health. But there is new research gathering to suggest that being...
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    ‘Top Gear’ Hosts Explain How Fitness Matters in Driving

    To the uninitiated, the act of driving a car might seem like a pretty mild physical pursuit, but at a more elite level, the hosts of “Top Gear” insist that putting the pedal to the metal is a seriously intense experience. Professional drivers follow the same level of science, training, and...
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    Study: Exercise Can Drastically Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk

    It should no longer come as breaking news when a new study supports what we’ve already known: Staying active promotes better longer-term health and reduces disease. The latest proof of the benefits of exercise comes from a recent study in the UK that discovered that not only those who engage in...
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    Study Shows Possible Reversal of Physical Decline in Old Age.

    The elusive fountain of youth may be closer to us than we’ve realized, according to science. A new study out of the University of Southern California claims that physical decline among older adults may be reversible after finding a powerful hormone in humans that is expressed during exercise...
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    How a Former Bodybuilder Learned to Expand His Definition of ‘Fit’

    Sponsored Content Performix House Trainer Angelo Grinceri had a very narrow idea of fitness in his youth. For him, aesthetics took center stage. “My background originated from the world of bodybuilding…I force fed myself on a day-to-day basis. I spent two hours in the gym every single day...