There is nothing worse than a weightlifter with big muscles and terrible posture.
We’ve all seen them. You know who I’m talking about.
You may even be one of them, standing in the gym with a stringer tank top and massive front delts pulling your shoulders forward. I’m not just talking about...
Well my friends, summer is right around the corner. If you are like most people, this is the time of year you want to start leaning out for the beach or shedding extra weight you accumulated during the winter.
Are you someone who dreads the word “cardio”, as it conjures up images of monotonous...
When we asked the folks at TRX to show us the most badass exercise that could be done with one of their legendary suspension trainers. They overdelivered.
You can call it a single exercise if you want, but it’s really a combination of four foundational moves: a pushup, plank, lunge, and jump...
Sprinting isn’t just for Usain Bolt-type Olympic athletes, the same way jumping rope isn’t solely for Floyd Mayweather’s pre-fight warmup; Running all-out is for anyone looking to build overall conditioning. Sprinting can help boost lung power, increase speed, accelerate fat loss, and increasing...
1. The DB fly-pullover-press.
I'm not sure what you'd call these, but an old school friend of mine showed me these one time when we were both prepping for a competition.
It's an exercise that is geared towards chest/serratus tie-in.
What you want to do is grab a light pair of dumbbells you can...
It’s no secret that high-intensity interval training is a fantastic way to build overall conditioning. From fat loss to muscle gain, HIIT is one of the most popular ways to get in better shape without spending hours in the gym. In fact that’s why here at Muscle and Fitness we’ve created a...
A few good bodyweight exercises (give or take) are all it takes to build the muscle, strength, and grit of a Marine. USMC Veteran Aaron Marks is back for his third Military Monday installment with a quick and effective full-body workout that combines traditional calisthenics with modern...