Most of us know that the tried-and-tested barbell back squat is a staple for bodybuilders and elite athletes but there are numerous squat variations that tax us from different angles. Fortunately, respected bodybuilder and coach, Petar Klančir took to Instagram recently to help you swot up on...
Muscular shoulders that pop are the cherry on top of a well-built upper body. Shoulders that fill out your shirt and support strength in pressing exercises make many lifters’ wish lists. A steady diet of compound moves like barbell and dumbbell overhead presses is the foundation for boulder...
Scott James Bailey has become a popular coach on social media thanks to his “Daily Mobility Techniques for Stiff People.” Recently, Bailey, who is followed by elite bodybuilders such as Brandon Curry and Martin Fitzwater, shared his answer to a popular pumping iron problem: How do I fix my...
Bodybuilder and celebrity trainer Eric Janicki is committed to providing his clients with great results, but you don’t need to live in Hollywood or be on a film star’s salary to get his advice. Janicki’s millions of social media followers regularly check-in with the big guy for killer workouts...
Petar Klančir has built up a base of more than a million Instagram followers thanks to his straight to the point workout sessions that are both inspiring and easy to follow. And, in a recent post, the bodybuilder and coach shared his 4-move shoulder workout for gigantic shoulders using.
The humble dumbbell lateral side raise is a move that is loved for its ability to gain muscle mass but often feared for its potential wearing effects on the shoulder. If you want to get the best from this left, the detail is in the digits says popular fitness coach, Jeff Nippard.
If you have...
Our shoulder is a miraculous joint capable of massive ranges of motion, but this mobility comes at a cost. Because the shoulder is like a ball on a dolphin’s nose, to allow this motion, shoulder pain and injury come with the territory. The stability part of the shoulder equation is on you to...
We’re only as strong as our weakest links, really – so it’s in order for us to give ourselves a once-over to see what needs to be done to get the most out of our workouts and hit the muscles we’re trying to stimulate into solid growth and development.
With that said, you could be a straight...
The “Elastaboy,” Jake Blundell is on his way to one million followers thanks to his tips for flexibility and mobility, and this guidance is especially apt for those of us living sedentary, office-based lifestyles. One of the most common ailments of modern living is “frozen shoulder,” more...
Many people ask themselves and others if you can teach an old dog new tricks. That question can work the other way as well. Could a young pup learn a classic trick? In this case, can a young lifter benefit from an old-school lift like the strict press exercise?
What You Need To Know About The...
Getting up and down from the ground and lifting weights up and down from the ground is the hardest thing physically we do. That’s why burpees suck are so difficult. But bad things happen when we lose the mobility to get up and down from the ground. That’s why training it is so important. Enter...
When most people first pick up a dumbbell, they often gravitate toward losing fat, building muscle, and looking buff—what we might call ‘vanity goals.” And rightfully so, these goals can also contribute to improved health. But, for a moment, let’s set these goals aside and delve into the...
Chinups, pullups, and barbell row variations are the gold standard for building a rockstar back and spreading your wings. With this dumbbell back workout, you’ll use a significant load to add size and strength to your back muscles. So, why use dumbbells for a back workout ?
Although dumbbells...
Ahh, the humble pullup. It never lies to you—you can either do it or not, and there is no “it’s all you, bro” as the spotter sometimes peels the bar from the lifter’s chest. As great as the overhead and bench press are for the upper body, pullups and chinups are the best upper-body relative...
When it comes to building shoulder mass, overhead presses and lateral raises are the staple moves of many workout routines. Although these traditional exercises are excellent at building strength and creating the coveted ‘capped’ shoulders, banded shoulder rotations hold their own (and then...
We’re often sold the idea that the training game should have a list of non-negotiables within it, especially when it comes to exercise choices that absolutely belong in your program, and then there are overrated exercises that don’t really belong in any strength training program.
To be clear...
Whether you’re brushing your hair, reaching for something on a high shelf, lifting your children, or swinging a tennis racket, your shoulders are the workhorses that make these daily tasks possible.
Considering the crucial role shoulders play in our lives, it’s imperative to keep both your...
Ahh, the biceps. Have there been a more written, spoken, and trained muscle group than the biceps? The biceps curl is a right-of-passage exercise for all gym rookies. You wander over to the dumbbell rack, grab a pair, and bust out rep after rep till your biceps bust apart you shirt sleeves...
The dumbbell pullover may be the best old-school exercise you are not doing.
It was a favorite of the bodybuilding greats, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, and Dorian Yates. This exercise helped get their massive chests and backs that were the envy of the bodybuilding world. If...