Google "shoulder training mistakes," and the search engine will spit out articles featuring advise like "Don't use bad form," "Move a full range of motion," and "Never go too heavy."
Well...duh! You won't find that kind of overgeneralized silliness here. This is advice by lifters, for lifters...
You’ve likely heard the phrase “head and shoulders” above the rest. In bodybuilding, if you want to be at the top of the lineup, then the a pair of boulder shoulders are definitely required. Round and wide delts are a must if you want to be the last man standing at the Olympia — or if you want...
When we’re on a gym hiatus we need to take care of our upper body. Training posterior muscles such as our back, scapular muscles, and deltoids is crucial for maintaining good posture and avoiding the “hunched shoulders” effect.
If our posture becomes rounded from inactivity, it will force our...
So you’ve joined a gym (or maybe built your own) and dedicated yourself to getting bigger shoulders? Awesome—you’ve come to the right place. We’ve collected 10 of the most tried-and-true shoulder moves around, exercises that will build each part of your deltoid muscles as well as your traps and...
I was a big fan of the late Nasser El Sonbaty. He was a big, strong, pro bodybuilder, winner of several Grands Prix and the Arnold Classic. Good as he was, I noticed on weakness in his physique: Nasser had huge lats, but when he hit a back-double biceps post his upper middle back seemed...
Kevin Horton / M+F Magazine
Dexter “The Blade” Jackson turned pro by winning the light-heavyweight and overall at the 1998 North American Championships, and throughout his career, the 235-pounder has used his flawless proportions, shape, and otherworldly conditioning to overcome foes who...
Per Bernal / M+F Magazine
Some young bodybuilders have access to expert help when they first learn how to weight train—an experienced training partner, for example, or a qualified personal trainer. This is a great advantage, providing the "expert" involved is genuinely knowledgeable. However...
eclipse_images / Getty
Army bases, city parks, church gyms, and state prisons are full of guys with wide shoulders, thick backs, and big chests and arms. And if you asked them what they do to achieve this look, you’d always hear the same answer: pullups and pushups. These simple, timeless...
Tauseef Asri / M+F Magazine
Olympic and professional athletes have them. So do bodybuilders, longshoremen, lumberjacks, and pretty much anyone we innately identify as a pillar of strength. In fact, of all the muscle groups, it is the one that most clearly distinguishes a longtime athlete from a...
Courtesy of Centr
Looking to get fit, fast? Look no further! My 20-minute Centr workout will get your heart rate up, burn energy, and build lean definition. Since it’s HIIT (high-intensity interval training), you’ll be working in short bursts—so give it your all when you’re in the zone.
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With only three weeks to go before the 2019 Arnold Classic, bodybuilding legend Victor Martinez and rising star Akim Williams get together to train shoulders, despite a deep and bloody gash to Victor’s finger.
In this MHP video you’ll get loads of shoulder training tips as...
Per Bernal / M+F Magazine
The gym is your playground. Use everything it has to offer—free weights, machines, cables—to build size, strength, and balanced symmetry. Excluding any one piece of equipment as “nonfunctional” is being close-minded to all the benefits that can be reaped from doing an...
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A post shared by Dani Younan (@daniyounan_ifbbpro) on Dec 29, 2018 at 11:18am PST
If you’re looking for an out-of-the-box delt routine, don’t ask Dani Younan. The 5'8", 195-pound Californian’s...