We are in an era of “mass monsters,” for both men and women. The size of many top pro bodybuilding competitors can be amazing. But that is not true of Theresa Ivancik (I-Van-Sick), who at 5’6” and 150 pounds is not small, but not as big as many of her competitors.
Theresa reminds me of somebody...
A few months back, I had a long talk with a close buddy about how I planned for every obstacle in business—except for the one we were facing. We were talking over video chat, of course, because it was during the lockdown. He’s a small business owner, like me, and he understood my frustration...
Thanks to Jake Wood and Wings of Strength, the Ms. Olympia Bodybuilding Championship will be returning to the Olympia Weekend in December. It’s an exciting time for the sport of female bodybuilding, and we can expect to see the best pro women in the sport competing on stage together. Except, not...
Even when you have the best intentions, sometimes getting a workout in just doesn’t seem possible on a given day. It might be time constraints or a lack of motivation, and sometimes you just need to find a workout that accommodates both.
Enter this killer HIIT routine from trainer and athlete...
is is the book I wish I could have studied when I started out in bodybuilding. I was so naive, gullible and misinformed, just like most trainees are today—even those who have been training for years. is book would have spared me all the frustration, heartache, injuries and sham advice I had to...
shutterstock / Shutterstock
Chef Andre Rush puts the same passion and dedication into a dish when serving a homeless man as he does for the President of the United States. “You don’t waver on service,” Rush, who’s cooked for four U.S. presidents, told Muscle & Fitness. “I don’t care who it is...
nd3000 / Shutterstock
Everyone has to start somewhere. And the great thing about being a beginner is that strength gains typically come quickly. More strength leads to more muscle and so the adventure begins. But beginners are easily lulled into making the mistake of using beginner programs for...
Narong Sangnak/EPA/Shutterstock / Shutterstock
When you think of a pastor, you probably envision a smaller guy who buries his nose in spiritual books all day. Kevin Fast knows that, and he doesn't care that his strongman hobby isn't what people expect from a Lutheran pastor.
Fast, 56, boasts...
Dermot McBrierty / Shutterstock
Kettlebells are the best way to crank out a quick and effective workout for optimal strength training. No longer do you have to enlist every piece of iron in the gym, blast your entire body for two hours, and then collapse on the mat in a heap of exhaustion and...
admin submitted a new resource:
531 By Jim Wendler - The simplest and most effective training program for raw strength
Read more about this resource...
Dmytro Aksonov / Getty
Getting stronger and building endurance are two very different goals that have long been considered conflicting, but is it actually unrealistic to work toward both with the same program? A recent study out of Australia’s James Cook University looked at how concurrent...
Courtesy of FIBO USA
Registration for the U.S. edition of FIBO—the largest interactive showcase of fitness, health and wellness industry innovation in the world—is now open...
Manuel Velasquez
Recently, the issue of transgender inclusion in sports has made its way into the world of powerlifting, with both sides arguing over whether or not trans athletes should compete as the gender of their birth or the gender they identify as now. Everyone from athletes involved in...
Courtesy of Mr. Olympia, LLC
Joe Weider’s Olympia Fitness & Performance Weekend continues a run of growth and momentum. The fitness industry’s showcase event has agreed to a presenting sponsorship with Wings of Strength, an Arizona based company devoted to providing opportunities for...
Westend61 / Getty
It’s been around forever, and while it may seem like an old-school move, the one-rep max has moved into more modern workouts for the everyday athlete. And it’s exactly what it sounds like: setting yourself up to lift your absolute maximum load (while still maintaining proper...
pixdeluxe / Getty
Four weeks of 10-yard sprints with a Prowler sled with descending rest periods. “This is a true measure of strength, speed, and power,” says Jim Smith, C.P.P.S., owner of Diesel Strength & Conditioning. “The goal is to perform as many ‘repeats’ as possible without any loss of...
Per Bernal / M+F Magazine
The gym is your playground. Use everything it has to offer—free weights, machines, cables—to build size, strength, and balanced symmetry. Excluding any one piece of equipment as “nonfunctional” is being close-minded to all the benefits that can be reaped from doing an...
My original Skinny Bastard template consisted of three strength training days with an optional fourth day. Although a 3-day template is sufficient for building size and strength, I quickly realized that most people want to train more. WS4SB3 will now provide you with a 4-day strength training...