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    Can You Complete One Rep of The Hardest Dip Exercise Ever?

    The dip is a tried and tested gym staple for many fitness enthusiasts and targets a number of muscle groups such as the pectoralis minor and major muscles in addition to the triceps, rhomboids, and more, but mastering the proper form can be harder than expected. That’s why Joel Seedman, the...
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    Coach Naomi Doran’s Favorite Back Exercises For Optimal Growth

    Fitness trainer Naomi Doran is our type of social media guru. Not only does she post inspirational updates on Instagram, but she qualifies them with something tangible that readers can actually try out for themselves. And, in a recent update, the “Bodies by Naomi” owner explained some of the...
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    5 Best Yoga Poses Athletes Should Practice to Help Prevent Injuries

    Among all the sports ailments out there, sprains and strains rank as the top injuries in the United States. Although there’s always a possibility an injury can occur (especially for athletes), there are surefire ways —such as these 5 best yoga poses—to lessen your chances of having to ride the...
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    Sleep-Deprived Zombie? Ditch the Pills & Try These Sleep Gadgets

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 35% of American adults fail to get the recommended seven hours of sleep per night, and over 40% are not meeting the recommended sleep amount. If you’re one of these folks, you’re likely all too familiar with the...
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    Hair Loss Myths Busted: The Role of Fitness in Thinning Hair

    Nowadays, the modern man has become a fan of fitness in the pursuit of a healthier life and a toned physique. Gyms are full, workouts are an essential routine, and diets are all the rage. Here’s the twist, though: fitness enthusiasts are on the edge of curiosity about whether working out can...
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    These 3 Simple Training Ideas Will Help You Build Bigger and Better Arms

    Let’s be honest: When it comes to nice, juicy arms, some of this is going to come down to luck of the draw and having the right parents. We’ve all met people in the gym who are printing off tickets to the gun show like they’re going out of style, but have never touched an arm day once in their...
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    These Three 15-Minute Workouts Will Help Burn Fat (and Help You Stay Fit)

    There’s a misconception that you need a lot of time and equipment for a great workout, including effective conditioning workouts. Time is an issue for most people and is often used as an excuse for not getting any work in. Here’s a hypothetical conversation inside the head of someone who uses...
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    Viral Pre Workout Gummies Blowing Up On TikTok

    All over our TikTok feed, we have been seeing this new product emerge. Pre-workout gummies by Gym Rat have taken over TikTok as gymgoers are constantly raving over this product. What we want to find out is if these gummies can really replace powdered pre-workout and what are the pros and cons of...
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    5 Things You Need to Know about Plant-Based Milks

    Walk through any dairy aisle in 2023 and you’ll be overwhelmed by the boundless choices of milk. Sure, you’ve got your standard dairy options: skim, 1%, 2% and whole milk. But in recent years, plant-based options have become omnipresent, to the point where you can now find cartons of milk made...
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    Why Increasing Muscle Mass May Help Decrease Injuries and Age-Related Illnesses

    A muscular body looks good and is often a goal for many weightlifters. Clothes look (and feel) better, and compliments from others are a constant confidence booster. Not to mention, looking and feeling strong is priceless. However, the benefits of muscle mass reach beyond aesthetics. “Your...
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    Semaglutide For Weight Loss | Results, Risks, and Safety

    Are you interested in learning about semaglutide for weight loss? If so, look no further than this comprehensive guide on one of the most popular anti-obesity peptide therapeutics. As worldwide obesity rates have grown in recent years, clinical understanding of the disease has evolved to...
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    Know When to Use These 6 Attachments Can Up Your Lat Pulldown Game

    It could be argued that the three most popular pieces of gym equipment are in no particular order are the flat benches, standing cable machines and the lat pulldown machine. Take a look around your gym, while the adductor machines remains empty. Often you will find lifters milling around these...
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    Defying the Desk: An MMA Fighter’s Approach to Fitness in a 9-5 Job

    Sedric Louissaint is a name synonymous with both power-packed punches in the MMA ring and skillful strategizing in the realm of cybersecurity. The notion of balancing an active lifestyle and a desk job seems like a myth to many. Yet, Louissaint shatters this misconception daily as he straddles...
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    These 5 Med Ball Exercises Will add Superior Strength to Your Core

    There’s a chance you’ve walked into a gym and seen those weighted round balls in the corner more than likely gathering dust. That neglect ends now. These colorful weighted balls are med balls, and when incorporated into your daily workout routine med ball training exercises will supersize your...
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    6 Strength Coach-Approved Exercises To Help Anyone Develop Athletic Power

    Athletically speaking, there’s very few things more visually appealing than watching an NBA star dunk a basketball or an NFL wide receiver elevate to catch a football, or an Olympic-caliber sprinter run a sub-10-second 100 meters. What do these feats have in common? These displays of power are...
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    These 4 Mistakes May Be Halting Your Back Gains When It Comes to Rows

    If you’ve been around the lifting game for a while, you have heard the term, “you need to row to grow.” Rowing, whether a vertical or horizontal pull, helps build a thick upper back, giving you that much-desired wingspan. But vanity is not all the back is good for because a strong and muscular...
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    Swap Out Squats (without Sacrificing Strength) with These 4 Alternatives

    We’ve all had those off days. You look at your workout routine and barbell back squats are on the menu. Normally you can’t get enough of leg day, but on this particular workout day, you’re feeling a tweak your shoulder or knee after the previous night’s pick-up basketball game; now back squats...
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    Training Like Arnold is Not Always Like a Day at the Beach

    When you see the famous clips and videos of Arnold Schwarzenegger clanging and banging in “Pumping Iron,” it’s summertime in Venice Beach, CA. There are moments you can see him on the beach, in the ocean, or getting some sun as he prepares to defend his Mr. Olympia title. It’s quite the...
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    Live to 100 with these Blue Zone Lifestyle Changes

    It’s no secret healthy eating and exercise do a body good. From fighting disease to boosting energy, those who practice a health-centered lifestyle reap many benefits within the blue zone area. However, there are certain diets and lifestyles that may prove themselves more effective than others...
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    Maximize Your Workouts with These Sock-Selecting Tips

    We all know the importance of choosing the right athletic sneaker, but what about socks? Most likely, the purchase comes down to selecting your size and moving on with your day. And the same goes for compression socks; Choose a size (and possibly color), and done. But there’s more than sizing...