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EZ Bar vs Straight Bar Curl
Before determining which exercise is better, we have to understand what the biceps do. The biceps have 2 main functions. The one most people remember and acknowledge is the flexing/pulling of the forearm.But the other function of the biceps is to help supinate the forearm.
So, by taking this information and applying it to both exercises, it’s very easy to determine which is better for building bigger biceps – the straight bar bicep curl.

When performing the straight bar bicep curl you perform both functions of the biceps. This maximizes biceps engagement throughout the entire range of motion.
When you use an EZ curl bar, the grooves allow you to grab the bar without fully supinating the forearms. Thus, you end up sacrificing one of the main functions that will help the biceps grow.
So, why would anyone choose the EZ bar curl over the straight bar curl? Because it’s perfect for those who lack wrist mobility or experience pain while performing the straight bar curl.
Scott suggests to perform straight bar bicep curls to maximize bicep muscle growth if you don’t experience pain, and EZ bar curls if you do. However, there is no need to utilize both in your workout routine. Pick whichever one works best for you.