For more content photos from the 2020 IFBB NY Pro, head to the Wings of Strength Instagram page. The winners of each division from the 2020 NY Pro are listed below:
Men’s Open Bodybuilding
Classic Physique
Men’s Physique
Men’s 212
Women’s Bodybuilding
Women’s Physique
Women’s Bikini
Women’s Figure
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Getting Started Competing
Thinking about competing in Figure, Fitness, Physique or Bikini? IFBB Pro India Paulino shares tips ...
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Men’s Open Bodybuilding
- Iain Valliere
- Justin Rodriguez
- Jon Delarosa
- Hassan Mostafa
- Maxx Charles
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2020 New York Peo Men’s Bodybuilding Winner!@iainvalliere 2. Justin Rodriguez 3. @ifbbjondelarosa 4. @ifbbpro_hassan_mostafa 5. @maxx_charles 6. @patricktmoore _____________________________________ #NewYorkPro #IFBB #NPC #NPCWorldwide #IFBBProfessionalLeague #Fitness #Bodybuilding #FemaleBodybuilding #WomensPhysique #GirlsWhoLift #Biceps #Fitspo #Athlete #GirlsWithMuscles #StrongWomen #BodyPositive #FitFam #FitnessMotivation #Lifestyle #BodybuildingMotivation @ifbb_pro_league @mrolympiallc @npcnewsonlineofficialpage @aroundthenpc_jm @npcworldwideofficial @jmmanion @tgflex
A post shared by Wings of Strength (@wingsofstrength) on Sep 5, 2020 at 6:28pm PDT
Classic Physique
- Logan Franklin
- Jason Brown
- Tony Tavarez
- Krylo khudaiev
- Amit Roy
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2020 New York Pro Classic Physique Winner!@logan_franklin 2. @jb.swoleosteen 3. @tonygoat_taveras 4. Kyrylo Khudaiev 5. @bengaal_tiger 6. @_russ_allen Lenda Murray and Alina Popa wrap up the women’s divisions prejudging on Saturday at New York Pro: Womens bodybuilding and Women’s physique.
https://wingsofstrength.net/video/femme-flex-friday/?videos=show __________ #NewYorkPro #IFBB #NPC #NPCWorldwide #IFBBProfessionalLeague #Fitness #Bodybuilding #FemaleBodybuilding #WomensPhysique #GirlsWhoLift #Biceps #Fitspo #Athlete #GirlsWithMuscles #StrongWomen #BodyPositive #FitFam #FitnessMotivation #Lifestyle #BodybuildingMotivation @ifbb_pro_league @mrolympiallc @npcnewsonlineofficialpage @aroundthenpc_jm @npcworldwideofficial @jmmanion @themsolympia @alinapopa1 @jake_wood_wos
A post shared by Wings of Strength (@wingsofstrength) on Sep 5, 2020 at 3:05pm PDT
Men’s Physique
- Arya Saffaie
- Rodrigue Chesnier
- Rashaud Watson
- Anthony Gilkes C
- larence McSpadden
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2020 New York Pro Men’s Physique Winner!@arya_saffaie 2. @rodriguechesnier 3. @enlightened_lightning 4. @ifbbpro__anthonygilkes 5. Clarence McSpadden 6. Justin Woodard Lenda Murray and Alina Popa wrap up the women’s divisions prejudging on Saturday at New York Pro: Womens bodybuilding and Women’s physique.
https://wingsofstrength.net/video/femme-flex-friday/?videos=show __________ #NewYorkPro #IFBB #NPC #NPCWorldwide #IFBBProfessionalLeague #Fitness #Bodybuilding #FemaleBodybuilding #WomensPhysique #GirlsWhoLift #Biceps #Fitspo #Athlete #GirlsWithMuscles #StrongWomen #BodyPositive #FitFam #FitnessMotivation #Lifestyle #BodybuildingMotivation @ifbb_pro_league @mrolympiallc @npcnewsonlineofficialpage @aroundthenpc_jm @npcworldwideofficial @jmmanion @themsolympia @alinapopa1 @jake_wood_wos
A post shared by Wings of Strength (@wingsofstrength) on Sep 5, 2020 at 2:37pm PDT
Men’s 212
- Bo Lewis
- Jason Lowe
- Errol Moore
- Adam Young
- Derik Oslan
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2020 New York Pro 212 Winner!@ifbbpro_flexxdiesel 2. Jason Lowe 3. @erroldmoore 4. @adamyoungbodybuilding 5. @weaponx_ifbbpro 6. En Manila Rodríguez Lenda Murray and Alina Popa wrap up the women’s divisions prejudging on Saturday at New York Pro: Womens bodybuilding and Women’s physique.
https://wingsofstrength.net/video/femme-flex-friday/?videos=show __________ #NewYorkPro #IFBB #NPC #NPCWorldwide #IFBBProfessionalLeague #Fitness #Bodybuilding #FemaleBodybuilding #WomensPhysique #GirlsWhoLift #Biceps #Fitspo #Athlete #GirlsWithMuscles #StrongWomen #BodyPositive #FitFam #FitnessMotivation #Lifestyle #BodybuildingMotivation @ifbb_pro_league @mrolympiallc @npcnewsonlineofficialpage @aroundthenpc_jm @npcworldwideofficial @jmmanion @themsolympia @alinapopa1 @jake_wood_wos
A post shared by Wings of Strength (@wingsofstrength) on Sep 5, 2020 at 2:39pm PDT
Women’s Bodybuilding
- Mayla Ash
- Kim Buck
- Tina Williams
- Janeen Lankowski
- Anne Sheehan
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2020 New York Pro Women’s Bodybuilding Winner!@maylaash 2. @fembodbldr 3. @rippeddiva13 4. @janeen_muscle_coach 5. @ifbbproannesheehan 6. @rita.bello.71 _____________________________________ #NewYorkPro #IFBB #NPC #NPCWorldwide #IFBBProfessionalLeague #Fitness #Bodybuilding #FemaleBodybuilding #WomensPhysique #GirlsWhoLift #Biceps #Fitspo #Athlete #GirlsWithMuscles #StrongWomen #BodyPositive #FitFam #FitnessMotivation #Lifestyle #BodybuildingMotivation @ifbb_pro_league @mrolympiallc @npcnewsonlineofficialpage @aroundthenpc_jm @npcworldwideofficial @jmmanion @tgflex
A post shared by Wings of Strength (@wingsofstrength) on Sep 5, 2020 at 5:07pm PDT
Women’s Physique
- Rachel Jennifer Daniels
- Jeannie Feldman
- Trish Wood
- Diana Schaidt
- Sherry Priami
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2020 New York Pro Women’s Bodybuilding Winner!@maylaash 2. @fembodbldr 3. @rippeddiva13 4. @janeen_muscle_coach 5. @ifbbproannesheehan 6. @rita.bello.71 _____________________________________ #NewYorkPro #IFBB #NPC #NPCWorldwide #IFBBProfessionalLeague #Fitness #Bodybuilding #FemaleBodybuilding #WomensPhysique #GirlsWhoLift #Biceps #Fitspo #Athlete #GirlsWithMuscles #StrongWomen #BodyPositive #FitFam #FitnessMotivation #Lifestyle #BodybuildingMotivation @ifbb_pro_league @mrolympiallc @npcnewsonlineofficialpage @aroundthenpc_jm @npcworldwideofficial @jmmanion @tgflex
A post shared by Wings of Strength (@wingsofstrength) on Sep 5, 2020 at 5:07pm PDT
Women’s Bikini
- Etila Santiago Santos
- Ashlyn Brown
- Reijuana Harley
- Lauren Dannenmiller
- Julie Lopez
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2020 New York Pro Bikini Winner!@etila 2. @ab_bikinifit 3. @reijuana_ifbbpro 4. @laurendannenmiller 5. @ironbabejl 6. @amandaaguzzi_ifbb _____________________________________ #NewYorkPro #IFBB #NPC #NPCWorldwide #IFBBProfessionalLeague #Fitness #Bodybuilding #FemaleBodybuilding #WomensPhysique #GirlsWhoLift #Biceps #Fitspo #Athlete #GirlsWithMuscles #StrongWomen #BodyPositive #FitFam #FitnessMotivation #Lifestyle #BodybuildingMotivation @ifbb_pro_league @mrolympiallc @npcnewsonlineofficialpage @aroundthenpc_jm @npcworldwideofficial @jmmanion @tgflex
A post shared by Wings of Strength (@wingsofstrength) on Sep 5, 2020 at 5:44pm PDT
Women’s Figure
- Nicole Zenobia Graham
- Anna Banks
- Brittany Campbell
- Catherine Lavoie
- Sandra Grajales
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2020 New York Pro Figure Winner!@worldofzenobia 2. @b4nksy1 3. @gofigurebrittany 4. @catherinelavoie_ifbbpro 5. @sandragrajales_ifbbpro 6. @stesout41 _____________________________________ #NewYorkPro #IFBB #NPC #NPCWorldwide #IFBBProfessionalLeague #Fitness #Bodybuilding #FemaleBodybuilding #WomensPhysique #GirlsWhoLift #Biceps #Fitspo #Athlete #GirlsWithMuscles #StrongWomen #BodyPositive #FitFam #FitnessMotivation #Lifestyle #BodybuildingMotivation @ifbb_pro_league @mrolympiallc @npcnewsonlineofficialpage @aroundthenpc_jm @npcworldwideofficial @jmmanion @tgflex
A post shared by Wings of Strength (@wingsofstrength) on Sep 5, 2020 at 4:54pm PDT

Hers Athletes & Celebrities
Getting Started Competing
Thinking about competing in Figure, Fitness, Physique or Bikini? IFBB Pro India Paulino shares tips ...
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