This article breaks the steroid side effects down, explaining how steroids affect different body parts. Thinking about taking steroids? Read this first.
The term steroids normally are associated...
I am currently running
Testosterone Enanthate 300mg every 4 days
SuperTren-Tren Enanathate 100mg, Tren Acetate 50mg/ 200mg every 11 days
Winstrol running 75mg daily
Doctors admit we know too little about anabolic steroids
Users of anabolic steroids don't care much about the expertise of doctors when it comes to steroids. That's known. In this regard, you...
Article I found, who doesnt like positive?
Do you engage in endurance sports and wish to improve on your performance? Have you heard about using anabolic steroids? These are...
Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate)
Along with Nolvadex, Clomid is one of the two principal SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators) used for enhanced recovery of testosterone production after...
Clenbuterol (Spiropent) is a beta-receptor agonist drug used in the treatment of asthma and in bodybuilding for the purpose of fat loss. In some instances, it can also be used to...