- Jacked Cash
- 538,349
Want to get shredded but hate tedious cardio? Ditch it and do this program instead! It utilizes several strategies to burn fat far away from the cardio deck!
The question is, “Are you ready?”
Perhaps the answer is a bit simpler to the “average Joe,” but not for those of us who spent the winter months training “balls to the wall” to add more muscle in all the right places.
You see, for us, part of summertime fun is putting our newly “renovated” physiques on display, which means that the winter “fluff” has to have been melted off like snow from a windshield.
So once again I ask, “Are you ready?”
If you strip down and look in the mirror, your initial reaction to what you see will more than likely tell you the answer – and if it is an undeniable “no,” well then you better get to work because time’s a wasting!
Whether the cardio be HIIT, steady state, or any other form, when it comes time to hop on the treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical the majority of us iron pumpers cringe in disgust.
But isn’t cardio just a necessary evil when it comes to torching body fat? Not necessarily my friends!
Utilized correctly, the same BB’s, DB’s and machines we use to ignite hypertrophy can also be extremely effective tools for incinerating fat like butter in a flame! The essential keys lie in choosing the right exercises, incorporating the proper rep range, strategically designing your workouts, and speeding up the pace.
Follow my guidelines below and you may never need step foot on a treadmill ever again!
Editor's Note: Make sure you’re doing all the right things you need to be doing to lose body fat. For those looking for a more in-depth resource to teach them how to lose fat, we’ve created a FREE 5 day Fat Loss Email Course.
The course will teach you how your body loses fat, how to utilize workout plans on our website to maximize fat loss, how to eat for fat loss, how to supplement to lose body fat and how to track your progress.
Sign up below today to learn and ensure you get the most out of this workout program.
Need help losing fat? Take our FREE 5-part email Fat Loss Course!
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These exercises will most effectively raise the heart rate, burn off calories, boost natural growth hormone production (note: GH is a very powerful fat burner released in response to intense resistance training), and enhance metabolic rate.
By doing so you will again burn greater calories, produce higher levels of lactic acid (which increases GH production), and stimulate the metabolism, while still providing your muscles a challenging enough base of resistance to foster hypertrophy.
However, when looking to get “shredded” enough to display a wicked 6-pack, razor-like separations, deep cuts, rippling striations and veins like road maps, it is far more effective to use specific types of supersets, circuits, and mega-fast paced training.
However, while it may feel wonderful to avoid the tediousness of most cardio machines, these workouts - while in no way boring - will feel anything BUT wonderful (well, at least until you’re done)!
**Rest between sets should be 30-60 seconds.
**Rest between supersets should be no longer than 2 minutes
**Move from one exercise to the next as rapidly as possible.
**Do not go to failure on each movement, but perhaps 1-2 reps short.
**If attempting to perform multiple circuits rest about 3-5 minutes in between each by slowly walking around the gym and sipping water until ready.
- Main Goal
Lose Fat - Workout Type
Full Body - Training Level
Intermediate - Program Duration3 weeks
- Days Per Week
4 - Time Per Workout30-60 minutes
- Equipment Required
Barbell, Bodyweight, Dumbbells, Machines, Other - Target GenderMale & Female
Workout Description
Summer, and all the outdoor activities (i.e. beach, pool, barbecues, etc.) that go with it, will soon be upon us.The question is, “Are you ready?”
Perhaps the answer is a bit simpler to the “average Joe,” but not for those of us who spent the winter months training “balls to the wall” to add more muscle in all the right places.
You see, for us, part of summertime fun is putting our newly “renovated” physiques on display, which means that the winter “fluff” has to have been melted off like snow from a windshield.
So once again I ask, “Are you ready?”
If you strip down and look in the mirror, your initial reaction to what you see will more than likely tell you the answer – and if it is an undeniable “no,” well then you better get to work because time’s a wasting!
But Cardio Sucks!!!
Yes, I know, I know - you want to get ripped but cannot stand doing cardio. For those of us who live to push and pull weights, cardio training can be an absolutely excruciatingly boring endeavor.Whether the cardio be HIIT, steady state, or any other form, when it comes time to hop on the treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical the majority of us iron pumpers cringe in disgust.
But isn’t cardio just a necessary evil when it comes to torching body fat? Not necessarily my friends!
Utilized correctly, the same BB’s, DB’s and machines we use to ignite hypertrophy can also be extremely effective tools for incinerating fat like butter in a flame! The essential keys lie in choosing the right exercises, incorporating the proper rep range, strategically designing your workouts, and speeding up the pace.
Follow my guidelines below and you may never need step foot on a treadmill ever again!
Editor's Note: Make sure you’re doing all the right things you need to be doing to lose body fat. For those looking for a more in-depth resource to teach them how to lose fat, we’ve created a FREE 5 day Fat Loss Email Course.
The course will teach you how your body loses fat, how to utilize workout plans on our website to maximize fat loss, how to eat for fat loss, how to supplement to lose body fat and how to track your progress.
Sign up below today to learn and ensure you get the most out of this workout program.
Need help losing fat? Take our FREE 5-part email Fat Loss Course!
Take Free Course
The Cardio-Free Fat Burning Workout Overview
When it comes to an “anti-cardio” approach to body fat burning you will need to follow a few general guidelines that will help optimize the process:1. Exercise Choice
When utilizing BB’s, DB’s, machines or bodyweight movements to incinerate fat cells, it is most beneficial to perform mostly compound lifts - especially when it comes to working larger muscle groups like back and quads.These exercises will most effectively raise the heart rate, burn off calories, boost natural growth hormone production (note: GH is a very powerful fat burner released in response to intense resistance training), and enhance metabolic rate.
2. Rep Range Revelations
Since we are focusing on burning body fat, it is best that you keep reps in the medium to medium-high range on all sets. This translates to about 10-12 repetitions for upper body exercises and 13-20 for the lower half.By doing so you will again burn greater calories, produce higher levels of lactic acid (which increases GH production), and stimulate the metabolism, while still providing your muscles a challenging enough base of resistance to foster hypertrophy.
3. Exercise Arrangement
Most of the time when focusing our efforts into manifesting pure muscle mass, lifters utilize a “straight sets” approach, with approximately 2-3 minutes rest in between each.However, when looking to get “shredded” enough to display a wicked 6-pack, razor-like separations, deep cuts, rippling striations and veins like road maps, it is far more effective to use specific types of supersets, circuits, and mega-fast paced training.
The Fat Burning Workouts
Below are three examples of the types of weight (resistance) training workouts you can begin using right now to “rip up” your physique without ever stepping foot on a treadmill, bike or stepper!However, while it may feel wonderful to avoid the tediousness of most cardio machines, these workouts - while in no way boring - will feel anything BUT wonderful (well, at least until you’re done)!
Workout A: The Fast and Furious Body Fat Burner
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
Barbell Squats | 3 | 13-15 |
Alternating Barbell Lunge | 3 | 13-15 |
Stiff Leg Deadlift | 3 | 13-15 |
Burpees | 3 | 13-15 |
Underhand Grip Barbell Bent Row | 3 | 10-12 |
Close Grip Push Ups | 3 | 10-12 |
Standing Military Press | 3 | 10-12 |
Close Underhand Grip Pull Up | 2 | Max Reps |
Bicycle Crunch | 3 | 16-20 Each |
Workout B: The Lower Body/Upper Body Superset Scorcher
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
A1. Hack Squats | 3 | 13-15 |
A2. Push Ups | 3 | 10-12 |
B1. Leg Press | 3 | 12-15 |
B2. Wide Grip Pull Up | 3 | 10-12 |
C1. Long Jumps | 3 | 13-15 |
C2. Seated Dumbbell Press | 3 | 10-12 |
D1. Good Morning | 2 | 12-15 |
D2. Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curl | 2 | 10-12 |
E1. Standing Broomstick Twists | 3 | 21-25 Each |
E2. Bench Dips | 3 | 10-12 |
Workout C: The Fat Incinerator Circuit
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
Deadlift | 3 Rounds | 12-15 |
Incline Dumbbell Press | - | 10-12 |
Box Jumps | - | 13-15 |
One Arm Dumbbell Row | - | 10-12 |
Walking Lunge | - | 13-15 Each |
Wide Grip Barbell Upright Row | - | 10-12 |
Lying Leg Curl | - | 12-15 |
Skullcrusher | - | 10-12 |
Hanging Straight Leg Raise | - | 16-20 |
V Handle Grip Pull Up | - | Max Reps |
**Do not go to failure on each movement, but perhaps 1-2 reps short.
**If attempting to perform multiple circuits rest about 3-5 minutes in between each by slowly walking around the gym and sipping water until ready.
The Training Schedule
- Week 1: Workout A on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
- Week 2: Workout B on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Monday.
- Week 3: Workout C on Wednesday, Friday, Sunday and Tuesday.