- Jacked Cash
- 538,355
By the name TUDCA, you may never have seen it on any food supplement label, or you should never have paid attention to the name of Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid, which is what this acronym means.
However, get ready to discover one of the most powerful compounds for health today, and especially for liver tissue!
Today, talking about liver protectors for most people it is the same as telling an elderly person that “milk with mango doesn’t kill”, that is, it is null and, the person most likely will not listen to it.
And, this fact is not due to chance: More and more people are less concerned with their health in favor of aesthetic results, which makes them sacrifice some years of their life to try to achieve something that, certainly with correct and relevant practices , would achieve much more efficiently.
However, a few years ago when concepts such as that high-protein diets would harm the liver were popularized, or even when the use of drugs such as oxymetholone (hemogenin) or methandrostenolone (dianabol) were also frequent, many were the care that these people had it with their liver, even though they know it is one of the organs with the greatest resistance and the greatest capacity for recovery.
In one way or another, we don't want to talk about inconsequences, but rather to talk about something that can really help those who want to be helped and, at worst, about something that can improve their health in general in order to that you can get more solid results and with a longer durability, because normally those who sacrifice health in favor of productivity, have gains for a short period of time.
So, today we will know a little more about the TUDCA, a completely natural compound and today known as one of the most powerful liver protective agents in the world, in addition to performing other important functions in the body.
Come on?
Still, it is an important glycogen reservoir for glycemia to be maintained (since muscle glycogen is only used by the muscle itself) and it also has a gallbladder, responsible for the production of bile that is indispensable in digestion.
The liver, in general, is the “filter” of the body and, everything that enters the body, pass through there, at some stage of the metabolism of the substance in question.
Undoubtedly, if the hepatocytes, which are the liver cells, are not fully active and, in their specific capacity, there will certainly be damage and, therefore, the individual will be affected at some time or another by some pathogenesis.
However, the liver tissue has a great capacity for recovery and, therefore, many abuse this organ, which at one time or another may become deficient in functioning.
Especially people who use powerful substances exogenously (such as drugs, hormonal ergogenics, dietary excesses, etc.) tend to have liver damage and that is why it is often important to use compounds that can prevent this damage.
Among them, one of which is considered more efficient today is the TUDCA, which helps in other aspects related to health, being an extremely valid supplement to be consumed.
Being a bile acid soluble only in water, it has a protective character in the synthesis of cholesterol by the liver and is able to reduce stress in the endoplasmic reticulum, with greater efficiency in the liver cells.
However, precisely this protection of the endoplasmic reticulum in other tissues causes it to promote improvements such as reduced insulin resistance, improved vision, protection of the tissues of the nervous system, etc.
However, these drugs, compounds and supplements have an action only on the liver tissue and, even so, this action is less than that of TUDCA.
Today, TUDCA has been so used not only by athletes, but, in the clinical world, it has been an adjunct in the treatment of diseases such as liver cirrhosis or even other liver degenerations.
However, this DOES NOT APPLY to Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid. Studies have reported not only its use in common dosages, but also in overdoses and for considerable periods of time.
None of these studies was able to find any evidence that could be taken into account or even considered as side effects.
It is important to note that there are also no restrictions on groups for the use of TUDCA. People of more or less age, women and men in different physiological states can benefit from the product. However, it is always worth consulting a good professional for better guidance.
Everything usually varies according to the individual needs of the person in view of their conditions, the better they are, the lower the dosages of TUDCA should be.
Even people who do not necessarily have liver problems can use the product as a purifier, always guaranteeing a good liver function.
For people with or without liver problems, Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid, also known as TUDCA, can be an excellent ally to liver tissue. Having no side effects, it will not only help the liver tissue itself, but it can also be effective in aspects related to health and improving aesthetics.
So, what do you expect to use Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid for?
Good training!

However, get ready to discover one of the most powerful compounds for health today, and especially for liver tissue!
Today, talking about liver protectors for most people it is the same as telling an elderly person that “milk with mango doesn’t kill”, that is, it is null and, the person most likely will not listen to it.
And, this fact is not due to chance: More and more people are less concerned with their health in favor of aesthetic results, which makes them sacrifice some years of their life to try to achieve something that, certainly with correct and relevant practices , would achieve much more efficiently.
However, a few years ago when concepts such as that high-protein diets would harm the liver were popularized, or even when the use of drugs such as oxymetholone (hemogenin) or methandrostenolone (dianabol) were also frequent, many were the care that these people had it with their liver, even though they know it is one of the organs with the greatest resistance and the greatest capacity for recovery.
In one way or another, we don't want to talk about inconsequences, but rather to talk about something that can really help those who want to be helped and, at worst, about something that can improve their health in general in order to that you can get more solid results and with a longer durability, because normally those who sacrifice health in favor of productivity, have gains for a short period of time.
So, today we will know a little more about the TUDCA, a completely natural compound and today known as one of the most powerful liver protective agents in the world, in addition to performing other important functions in the body.
Come on?
What is the importance of having healthy liver tissue (healthy liver)?
The liver is an organ present in the abdominal region which participates in numerous physiological processes in the body. In general, it is known as the "body cleanser", since toxins are mostly metabolized there, a large part of compounds harmful to the body too, lipids are greatly metabolized there, among others.Still, it is an important glycogen reservoir for glycemia to be maintained (since muscle glycogen is only used by the muscle itself) and it also has a gallbladder, responsible for the production of bile that is indispensable in digestion.
The liver, in general, is the “filter” of the body and, everything that enters the body, pass through there, at some stage of the metabolism of the substance in question.
Undoubtedly, if the hepatocytes, which are the liver cells, are not fully active and, in their specific capacity, there will certainly be damage and, therefore, the individual will be affected at some time or another by some pathogenesis.
However, the liver tissue has a great capacity for recovery and, therefore, many abuse this organ, which at one time or another may become deficient in functioning.
Especially people who use powerful substances exogenously (such as drugs, hormonal ergogenics, dietary excesses, etc.) tend to have liver damage and that is why it is often important to use compounds that can prevent this damage.
Among them, one of which is considered more efficient today is the TUDCA, which helps in other aspects related to health, being an extremely valid supplement to be consumed.
What is TUDCA?
TUDCA is the acronym for Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid that “is nothing more than the combination of Teurine and ursodeoxycholic acid, of UDCA acronym.Being a bile acid soluble only in water, it has a protective character in the synthesis of cholesterol by the liver and is able to reduce stress in the endoplasmic reticulum, with greater efficiency in the liver cells.
However, precisely this protection of the endoplasmic reticulum in other tissues causes it to promote improvements such as reduced insulin resistance, improved vision, protection of the tissues of the nervous system, etc.
What are the improvements presented by individuals who make correct use of TUDCA?
As mentioned, TUDCA not only helps the liver, but it can also act on other parts of the body. Among all its improvements, one can mention:- Liver prevention: In addition to reducing damage to cell endoplasmic reticulum, it reduces ischemia and reperfusion, keeping the bile ducts with their most active functions and, of course, avoiding problems such as gallstones, blockages in the region, etc.
- Eye health: TUDCA is an antioxidant and, like Vitamin A, for example, it has the ability to reduce free radical damage to vision-related tissues.
- Reduction of serum lipid levels: For people who suffer from some type of dyslipidemia, TUDCA may be effective. It can lower serum lipids, including cholesterol (which is also a lipid). Although we know the importance that these lipids have in the body, if they are in excess, they can cause cardiovascular problems. Especially people who are on high-calorie diets and / or use hormonal ergogens (usually derived from cholesterol), tend to have a higher amount of lipids in the bloodstream. Thus, Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid will be extremely beneficial to them as well.
- Protection of nerve tissues: Today, it is known that frequent diseases in society such as Alzheimer's are caused by cell damage and, consequently, the destruction of neurological tissues. With its antioxidant effects, TUDCA will prevent these damages and assist in maintaining the proper neurological functions, which are, of course, indispensable for life.
- Improvement in gicolytic metabolism: Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid has been used effectively to improve insulin sensitivity. Thus, it is possible to not only improve the body's glycemic response to carbohydrates, but, because of this, assist people in reducing body fat and quality of life.
- Reduction of body fat: TUDCA can also help people who want to lose weight or simply reduce their body fat percentage. First, as mentioned, it is able to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism in general. However, it is still able to assist in the regulation of thyroid hormones, and, specifically speaking of T3 and T4, they are among the main hormones related to metabolism, since they control cellular functions and, consequently, their speed. These hormones are related to energy metabolism and, therefore, their proper functioning will ensure that the macronutrients ingested are optimized in their use.
Can TUDCA be compared with other supplements in the same category or even with hepatoprotective drugs?
As we know, there are several natural compounds, allopathic or even dietary supplements which are auxiliary to the liver tissue, such as silymarin, MilkThristle and others.
However, these drugs, compounds and supplements have an action only on the liver tissue and, even so, this action is less than that of TUDCA.
Today, TUDCA has been so used not only by athletes, but, in the clinical world, it has been an adjunct in the treatment of diseases such as liver cirrhosis or even other liver degenerations.
TUDCA and its side effects
Whenever we think of a supplement with such efficiency, we immediately think about its side effects. The truth is that this is extremely plausible, because normally, the more powerful a supplement or drug is, the more powerful its side effects are.However, this DOES NOT APPLY to Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid. Studies have reported not only its use in common dosages, but also in overdoses and for considerable periods of time.
None of these studies was able to find any evidence that could be taken into account or even considered as side effects.
It is important to note that there are also no restrictions on groups for the use of TUDCA. People of more or less age, women and men in different physiological states can benefit from the product. However, it is always worth consulting a good professional for better guidance.
How is TUDCA used?
There are several protocols for using Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid and there is no consensus. Commonly, it can be used once or twice a day, depending on the dosage used (the higher, normally, the more fractional it must be in order to ensure better absorption to the body).
Everything usually varies according to the individual needs of the person in view of their conditions, the better they are, the lower the dosages of TUDCA should be.
Even people who do not necessarily have liver problems can use the product as a purifier, always guaranteeing a good liver function.
For people with or without liver problems, Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid, also known as TUDCA, can be an excellent ally to liver tissue. Having no side effects, it will not only help the liver tissue itself, but it can also be effective in aspects related to health and improving aesthetics.
So, what do you expect to use Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid for?
Good training!