Nothing signifies strength like a big, strong back. Thick, broad and detailed lats, rhomboids, teres minor and major and a thick, cable-like lumbar are all attributes sought after by many but achieved by few. Building said back requires toiling away with the right kind of tools and applying a...
Have you ever been reading a bodybuilding magazine or article and come across a term you have never heard of!? We've all been there. The M&S bodybuilding glossary, supplement glossary and acronym list explains what these terms mean.
Have you heard a term that doesn't appear on this list, or...
Autoregulation is a method of training in which you allow your effort on any given day, or more specifically on any given set, to determine the amount of weight you will use next. This method of training can be integrated into just about any existing workout structure and style, and is easy to...
I think it’s safe to say that for those of us who are working to build better bodies through bodybuilding and or fitness, out of all the muscle groups we work so hard to develop, the muscles of the arms seem to be the most universally admired. Whenever a bodybuilder is asked in public to make a...
a set that includes another set or sets
a combination of exercises done consecutively with no rest between
the best way to get a massive pump, bro
Ever since I started lifting weights as a teenager, I have loved using supersets in my training.
By definition...
I think it’s safe to say that for those of us who are working to build better bodies through bodybuilding and or fitness, out of all the muscle groups we work so hard to develop, the muscles of the arms seem to be the most universally admired. Whenever a bodybuilder is asked in public to make a...
Grant Roberts knows a thing or two about whipping celebrities into phenomenal shape. The Canadian fitness guru helped make headlines when he transformed Kumail Nanjiani into a superhero for the role of Kingo, in Marvel’s upcoming movie, “The Eternals” and also boasts an impressive list of...
In 2006, ophysical therapist John Pallof showed Eric Cressey and Tony Gentilcore the belly press (now the Pallof Press) when they were both getting Cressey Performance off the ground. And just like that, the Pallof press as you know it was born.
The Pallof press, no matter the variation, trains...
Whether your goal is a flat stomach or a chiseled 6-pack, core exercises should always be part of your training plan.
Training your core goes beyond the aesthetic value of how your midsection looks.
A strong core provides support during your training sessions, improves your posture, and helps...
1. Weighted Push Up Using Smith Machine
Push ups are a great chest building exercise. And with Kris’ first alternate chest movement, he introduces us to a way to make them a bit more challenging.
Kris’ solution? Weighted push ups using the Smith machine.
To set up for this exercise, position...
Team MHP athlete Chris Bumstead shows us the top three exercises he's personally used to build one of the most aesthetic physiques in modern day bodybuilding.
Looking for the right exercises to build that coveted v-taper?
A while back, Team MHP athlete Chris Bumstead stopped by the Muscle &...
I keep getting a ton of questions like this, and it’s a terrific question. And of course, they’ve asked the right guy!
I’m a big fan of short and sharp sessions; you can get terrific workouts in a lot less time than you think. Here are eight quick tips that I’ve learned to creating an efficient...
For athletes to continue to push the limits in performance, they must first push the limits of their training. Maintaining peak physical condition is especially important in non-team sports.
When it’s you versus the bar, the track, or the opponent across from you; the days you skipped training...
One of the hottest ingredients as of late in the supplement industry for increasing performance is that of quercetin, it’s being promoted to provide a more ‘natural’ form of energy and to promote recovery. The truth is that quercetin is an effective supplement for intense training regimens, but...
September is “Healthy Aging Month,” and it comes at an appropriate time of the year because many of us are keen to step-up our health and fitness routines after an indulgent post-lockdown summer. That said, it is important to approach your newfound motivation for getting in shape with a...
Whether you’re a CrossFitter or not, there are certain CrossFit techniques that anyone interested in getting functionally strong and insanely fit should be doing at least occasionally. One such protocol is the EMOM — short for “every minute on the minute.”
With minimal equipment, you can get a...
Building a solid base of strength and power throughout the entire body has myriad benefits for the bodybuilder, athlete and even casual fitness enthusiast.
The ability to handle heavier weights, especially in the compound lifts, will eventually translate into increased muscle mass, enhanced...
If I've seen this once, I've seen it hundreds of times...
A lifter will be cruising along, making gains and eating right, and then life will kick his butt. The demands of school or work intensify, or life changes happen and reduce the amount of free time available to workout.
A lifter will be cruising along, making gains and eating right, and then life will kick his butt. The demands of school or work intensify, or life changes happen and reduce the amount of free time available to workout.
Discouragement sets in. The result? Nine times out of ten these lifters take...
How many times have you heard you can’t work the same muscles 2 days in a row?
You’ll over train they say. You’ll have central nervous system (CNS) fatigue.
Now, have you ever experienced overtraining or CNS fatigue? Yea, me either.
How hard are you actually working in the gym? You might be...