Muscle building nutrition is not rocket science; it just requires some basic knowledge, discipline and consistency. You need to eat a good healthy diet every day to get the results you desire. Nutrition is often overlooked by some weight trainers, but the fact is, if you don't have a good muscle...
Back in the 90s the goal of every wide-eyed future bodybuilder was to bulk up no matter what. Obviously from the looks of things back then no one was concerned with staying lean throughout this perpetual bulking period. What resulted was a lot of big, burly and somewhat fatty guys wearing...
After being bombarded by an endless stream of articles on the latest and greatest training and nutrition approaches, I felt compelled to discuss an often overlooked aspect of lifting; the psychological approach. This article aims to provide tips, mantras, and pre/intra/post-workout methods for...
Malaysian-born Harinder Sekhon is a hard-working mathematics teacher by day, but his extracurricular activities are anything but square. Not only does he play for his national cricket team, but he also holds world records in jumping.
The 30-year-old broke the “highest standing jump on one leg”...
Father Time catches up to everyone. Even the best of us can only avoid his presence so long. It is a fact of life that as people age, their health and general lifestyle depreciate. The joints weaken, the muscle mass melts away, and the bones become brittle. For most people, blowing 40 candles...
We all know that the chest and arms are the most popular muscle groups to train but the impact of back training can’t be emphasized enough.
Bodybuilders need the width to make their waist look smaller and enhance the appeal of the overall physique.
Powerlifters and strongmen focus more on...
Building a solid base of strength and power throughout the entire body has myriad benefits for the bodybuilder, athlete and even casual fitness enthusiast.
The ability to handle heavier weights, especially in the compound lifts, will eventually translate into increased muscle mass, enhanced...
2 Lean Bulk Supplement Plan Options
What follows are 2 lean bulk supplement plan options:
Option 1 - For a typical frequent feeding lifestyle of 3-6+ meals per day.
Option 2 - For a fasting lifestyle in which the majority of food is eaten between a 4 to 8 hour window each day.
Supplements are...
If I've seen this once, I've seen it hundreds of times...
A lifter will be cruising along, making gains and eating right, and then life will kick his butt. The demands of school or work intensify, or life changes happen and reduce the amount of free time available to workout.
Every day, I see someone walk into the gym, head straight for the squat rack or to bench press or hit the dumbbell rack, load up the weight, and start pushing and pulling as hard as they can. Yes, many times this is an innocent mistake made by a young person who hasn’t experienced any injuries...
Has your training gone stale? Do you look over your workout plan and feel like it’s time to make changes but are just not sure what? Perhaps you want to do something interesting to shock the muscles and break a plateau that has plagued you for longer than you care to remember.
As great as the...
A lifter will be cruising along, making gains and eating right, and then life will kick his butt. The demands of school or work intensify, or life changes happen and reduce the amount of free time available to workout.
Discouragement sets in. The result? Nine times out of ten these lifters take...
Squats are the king of all bodybuilding exercises. They build up overall strength and are done by people training at all different levels for all types of goals. When you reach ‘Leg Day,’ it is a given that you will begin with a good number of sets of squats. But is it possible to get the same...
Set personal records in the gym with this Reverse Pyramid Training workout.
The sample RPT MASS 3 day split is perfect for intermediate lifters looking to bust through a plateau!
Reverse Pyramid Training (RPT) is a training style in which the first set of a given exercise is performed with the...
To gain strength and muscle on the Savage 4x4, here are the core principles that MUST be followed:
More Reps!
You must, must, must push for more reps on every set. You must live and breathe extra reps. The desire for extra reps should consume your life. You should become a single-minded...
In this article I want to share a few things I learned during those years. I will be providing you with specific advice of training, nutrition, cardio, rest and even supplementation. If you have any questions, or if I can help in any way, please please your questions or comments below.
It goes without saying that it’s a tremendous honor to spend any amount of time talking with the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger. But there’s always something incredibly cool about getting to talk training with the greatest bodybuilder of all-time.
To hear how he trained, why he trained, and...
Here's a workout fact that might shock you: a recent study revealed that individuals trained by silent but skilled trainers outperformed those assisted by vocal trainers.
You can do it!
Just one more rep!
You’re looking good.
Do it, do it!
Come on, you’ve got this.
The one-liners above are just...
What you consume pre- and post-workout is important. But to maximize your exercise performance, improve recovery, and decrease muscle damage, there’s another window of opportunity you may be missing.
Intra-workout supplementation.
Intra-workout supplementation is the scientific-sounding name...
Building muscle is generally the main motivation for getting into the gym in the first place.
Whether it’s to look better, develop more confidence, or to gain strength for preseason football training, the desired outcome is the same, more muscle and less fat.
Train for long enough and it...