Back your demanding mixed martial arts training with smart supplementation. Brad Borland presents six supplements that can aid performance and training recovery.
You look at your opponent across the ring. His eyes are glaring, piercing and ready for battle. He is ready to pummel, crush and...
High intensity exercise allows you to perform more work in a shorter amount of time. Learn how to maximize these workouts by choosing the right supplement ingredients.
Editor's note: article pictures feature NutriForce sponsored athletes Alessandra Pichelli (4th in the 2013 CrossFit Games) and...
Set aside the notion that you have "bad calf genetics" and get proactive. These eight muscle building tips are designed to help bring up your weak and lagging calves.
People say it all the time, “If you aren’t born with great calves, you’ll never have them.” That’s simply not true. There are...
Most people only train their muscles once per week. New research shows that training more frequently might provide more room for growth. Learn more here!
If you’re looking for a new approach to your training plan to stimulate new muscle growth, this might be the answer you need.
You may or may...
How much are genetics to blame for our inability to build muscle, get ripped or get in shape? The answer may surprise you - very little.
The following article is an excerpt from my book 101 Fitness Myths. It's something that I believe needs to be tackled since too many people are being held back...
This article takes a close look at the reasons why you're not building muscle and gaining weight. Read this is you're having trouble getting big!
Here’s a question I see time and time again in online bodybuilding & fitness forums:
This is an all too common story for people with no experience or...
This Halloween trick your body into bigger gains with these thirty-one terrifying muscle building training tips and treats, presented by bodybuilder Brad Borland.
Brad Borland is a strength & conditioning specialist, cancer survivor and the founder of WorkoutLab.
Need a boost to your training...
Learn everything you need to know about the basic science behind building muscle! Then, apply it to your own training and begin building bigger muscles.
You want to build muscle, and you’ve seen some workouts and exercises that might get you there. And that’s okay if you just want to hop around...
Give your shoulders the boulder treatment by correcting these 9 common mistakes that keep a lot of builders from gaining bigger shoulders.
Do you want wide, meaty, broad shoulders but have failed at every attempt? Do you chalk it up to bad genetics or a lack of the newest piece of gym equipment...
Simplifying the muscle building process to get the results you want. It's time to get back to basics and start building some real muscle! Only 3 hours a week required.
Those of you who have read through any of my articles know that I'm a big believer in the basics. I confidently preach low...
The problem with linear periodization is that it assumes you'll have the same training energy for every workout. Try nonlinear periodization for daily gains!
In this day and age, there are thousands of different exercise programs you can look up on the internet and follow.
Some are from...
The barbell is a one-stop for all things muscle, power, and mass and has a proven track record. Strength training’s most basic tool has worked for millions of lifters since it first hit European gyms in the 1860s. Since then, they have formed a successful strength-training foundation for most...
You're 6 months into training and making no gains. Turn things around and start making progress with these 3 important muscle building tips.
Getting big is not easy! No matter how many ads you may have seen from supplement companies showing how their users gained “30 pounds of rock hard mass in...
Any athlete that can carry the title “IFBB Pro,” should be proud of that accomplishment. The men and women that have graced pro stages have worked hard and made great sacrifices so they can have the most admired physiques in the world.
Ashley Garcia is an IFBB Figure Pro. So, she knows all too...
Are you doing these 6 things after you finish your daily workouts? If not, you might be leaving some gains on the table. Start maximizing your training.
No matter how hard you work out, it is important to remember that if you wish to maximize your progress, it is what you do (or don’t do) in the...
Want to increase the intensity and variety of your muscle building routine while adding muscle mass and strength? Introducing negatives!
When it comes to building strength and muscle mass negatives are often overlooked. Professional bench pressers, bodybuilders and strength athletes all use...
Sure, glutes are important for aesthetic appeal, but do you know the real purpose behind training them? Find out the benefits & proper ways to train glutes!
For the longest time, training the glutes wasn’t something the average lifter was proud of.
Thanks to scientific advancement and a general...
Body part splits, movement based training, or upper/lower splits? Which of the three main ways to train is going to be most beneficial to you & your goals?
I’m probably going to be one of the very few people you hear say this over the course of your training journey: There’s NO “best method” to...
Are you focusing on all the wrong things? Is building muscle hard for you? Check out these 3 ways you're making building muscle harder than it has to be.
“Do I have to take rest days?”
“Can I add more exercises that target my arms?”
“Don’t you need to change the exercises up frequently to keep...
Burst through your plateau and start making gains with reverse pyramid training. Learn all about reverse pyramid training and give the sample workout a try!
Set personal records in the gym with this Reverse Pyramid Training workout.
The sample RPT MASS 3 day split is perfect for intermediate...